HTML Editor
The inbuildt HTML editor assists you in creating HTML formated webpages in a quick and easy way through the WYSIWG interface.
To function propetly you need to be running Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 or later.
New document
Erases the whole document.
Cancel all changes
Cancel all changes, and loads whatever data the editor might held at start.
Stores the document.
Cuts out the selected area to clipboard
Copys selected area to clipboard
Pastes clipboard. Replaced any selected area.
Align left
Aligns selected area to left.
Aligns selected area to center.
Align right
Aligns selected area to right.
Numbered list
Creates a numbered list. To escape from list creating, press enter twice.
Bullet list
Creates a bullet list. To escape from list creating, press enter twice.
Increase Indent
Increases indent to left.
Decrease Indent
Decreases indent.
Horizontal Rule
Creats an Horizontal Rule, like this:
Allows you to create an hyperlink. You will be asked for the hyperlink url and the hyperlink name. If you allreaty have selected an area, the selcted area will be used for creating the hyperlink.
Insert Image
Allows you to insert any image which is stored on server. A new window will appeare and you can select which image to insert.
Bold Text
Transforms selected text to Bold text.
Italic Text
Transforms selected text to Italic text.
Underline Text
Underlines selected text.
Foreground Color
Changes color of selected text. A new window will be opened and you can select color.
Background Color
Changes background color. A new window will be opened and you can select color.

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